Washington County

Trail conditions: https://wcascs.org/

Trail hotline: 262-334-6061

Waukesha County

Trail conditions: https://www.waukeshasno.org/

Trail hotline: 414-299-0330


To ride the trails in Wisconsin you will need to purchase a Wisconsin trail pass.

For Wisconsin Snowmobile Club members passes will cost only $10/year.

  • Trail passes for non-club members will be $30/year.
  • You will need to have a current AWSC (Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs) membership number to qualify for this discount. AWSC membership is included with your local club membership.
  • Snowmobiles must be registered in name of the member, their spouse and children under the age of 19.
  • Children 19 and older will need to join a club to qualify for the trail pass discount.

If you are not a snowmobile club member or your membership has lapsed, you will need to join or renew you snowmobile club membership as soon as possible. Once you receive your AWSC membership card/number you can purchase your trail pass from AWSC.ORG.

If you encounter issues with the trails please contact Andy Slaby @ (262) 424-5917 or our Trail Coordinator, Bob Gutekunst @ 262-242-6571.

  • Let someone know where you are riding and when you will be back.
  • Don’t ride alone.
  • Know the weather.  Conditions can change in a hurry. Know the local forecast before you hit the trails.
  • Bring a fully charged phone and an extra battery. When it’s cold out, the performance of your phone’s battery is reduced and may fail on you. Bring your charger (if your sled has a 12v adapter) or bring an extra battery with you so you have the ability to make that emergency call, if needed.
  • Trail Maps – In case your sled breaks down, there is an accident or you get lost, it’s import to have trail maps of the area you are riding. In case you or someone needs emergency help it will be important to direct the proper authorities to your location. Polaris recently released a Snow Trails app for Android and Apple users.
  • Pack extra clothing, gloves or hat. If any of these get wet or if the temperature drops, it’s best to have more than not enough.
  • Here are some additional tips from weather.com.

Review proper trail etiquette. (Link takes you snowmobile-ed.com Web site)

Always remember to ride safely and to be courteous to other riders. Nothing ruins a day quicker than an accident that was completely avoidable or due to improper maintenance. The last thing you want to do is injury a fellow rider due to your carelessness.

Remember, we all want to enjoy a fun day on the trails and we all want to come home at the end of the day.

To ensure you have a fun and safe ride please review some of these tips and links.

If you were born after January 1, 1985 and are at least 12 years old, you required to have a snowmobile safety certificate in order to operate a snowmobile on public trails and areas in Wisconsin. Here is some information on how you can get your safety certificate.

Safety Classes

Check back this fall for the list of snowmobile safety courses being held in Waukesha County.

For a complete list of a snowmobile safety classes taking place throughout Wisconsin visit the DNR’s Go Wild Web site to search for a class near you (Check back as this list is updated frequently).

Online Courses

If you are over 16 years old you can take an online snowmobile safety course. However, it must be approved by the Wisconsin DNR. You will also need a WI DNR Customer Number. Visit Snowmobile-ed.com for all the information you need to register for this DNR approved online course.

We have two club members that are Snowmobile Safety Instructors.